
Master of Technical Science thesis entitled: "History of Fenton Murray & Wood"

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Belvedere helicopters

Original charter of the Council of Engineering Institutions, granted by H.M. Queen Elizabeth II

British Railways Board Corporate Identity Manual 2

Photo entitled 'Council of Engineering Institution's reception: presentation of Council's charter by Queen to the President, the Duke of Edinburgh'

Photo entitled 'Opening of Engineer's Day Exhibition: Queen Elizabeth II & President of Pakistan'

Photo entitled 'Opening of Engineer's Day Exhibition: Queen Elizabeth II'

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Draft typescript of 'Sail and Sweep in China'

Vickers' Vimy Cockpit

Drawing for Replica of Vickers' Vimy Cockpit - Constructional Details Fully Shown Only Where Visible

Newcomen's Atmospheric Steam Engine (Engine House Beams and Roof)

1st Class Pullman Seat for Eastern and Midland Region Stock

Photo entitled 'Opening of Engineer's Day Exhibition: Queen Elizabeth II & President of Pakistan'

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

1 CD

Photographs of Linotype and Machinery Employees taken by Bob Watkins

3 linear metres

Papers associated with the DEC PDP8 computer


Bound volume entitled: "History of BTR Industries Limited"

9 sheets

3-dimensional, perspective geometry drawings of pre-production Concorde

9 sheets

Construction drawings of Ledge Waggon

1 volume

Technical script for 'Our World' television broadcast.

An Evening Post Publication.

Newspaper publication entitled "Leeds Steam : the authentic story ... of the great Leeds-built traction engines"

2 sheets

Drawings of Horse Slaughterer's Cart


Wall chart entitled: "Guide to How Britain runs its Science"


Whetstone Compiler and Controller Listing

1 disc

Long playing disc entitled 'Our present knowledge of the universe'


'High pressure research at Alkali Division of ICI' - typescript by Frank Bebbington

3 sheets

Construction drawings of Conestoga Waggon


Aircraft servicing manual entitled: "Air publication 101B-1801-1A for aircraft: Folland Gnat T.MK.1, serial number XP505"


Booklet: 'Fakenham Gasworks'


Memo from Dennis Gabor to Dr Philip Gundry


Notebook relating to apprenticeship as Instrument Technician (Mechanical) at Hilger & Watts


A short history of Devonport Royal Dockyard (Edition 2) by George Dicker


Poster: "History of power in agriculture" relating to Perkins Engines Ltd.


Listing of the Scientific Library of Dr. Joseph Priestley by Birmingham Reference Library


Commemorative brochure for the designation of the Newcomen Memorial Engine at Dartmouth as an International Historic Mechanical Landmark by the American Society of Engineers.

5 sheets

Construction drawings of Oxfordshire Waggon

2 items

Letters relating to oil-turbine ultracentrifuge


'Development of the theory of critical flow through nozzles: an international achievement'


Writers' original script for 'Our World' TV broadcast.

1 volume

Manual entitled: "The Manufacture of polyethylene by the ICI process. Volume 1A"

2 items (32 pages & 24 pages)

Newspaper supplements of the Portsmouth Evening News relating to the Mary Rose ship


Operating log for various boosters in mixed gas booster house, Beckton Gas Works


Publicity booklet for The Digital Schneider Trophy Race, 24 June 1984


'The Polythene Story' - typescript by Frank Bebbington

0.1 linear metres

Fielden Electronics Ltd instruction manuals for flow control unit